Wholesale Info

If you're a brick-and-mortar store looking to add Curious Nature items to your shelves, I've got great news! I sell all my best-selling products wholesale through Faire and always adding new products. I'd be delighted to have my items in your store!

  • Products must remain in their original packaging until sold so Curious Nature can be identified in the wild (backer cards, hangtags, etc).

  • If selling online, credit must be given to Curious Nature in the product description.

  • Retailers may not sell Curious Nature items on any 3rd party sales platforms such as Etsy, Ebay, or Amazon.

  • All designs and images are copyright  © Curious Nature LLC (unless otherwise stated). All rights reserved. 

    Thanks so much, I look forward to working with you! ♥
For a catalog please contact curiousnaturestudio@gmail.com by filling out the form below